Model Location Qty Yr MFG Dates
RG500G exported 7340 86 4/85 - 3/86
RG500G exported 606 87 4/86 - 3/87
RG500CH exported 806 87 4/86 - 3/87
RG500G Japan 22 88 4/87 - 3/88
RG500CH exported 510 88 4/87 - 3/88
Total 9284
RG400 Japan 5002 86 4/85 - 3/86
RG400 Japan 2-UK 863 87 4/86 - 3/87
RG400H Japan 348 88 4/87 - 3/88
Total 6213
RG500G UK 902
RG500CH UK 240
RG400 UK 2
Total 1144
Frame numbers
RG500EWC - HM31A-100001~
RG500EW-W (Walter Wolf type 1) - HM31A-102691~
RG500EW-2W (Walter Wolf type 2) - HM31A-105061~
RG500CH - HM31A-105405~
RG500G (E34) - HM31B-100001~
RG500CH (E34) - HM31B-101646~
RG400EW - HK31A-100001~
RG400EW-2/2C - HK31A-106287~
Here is the information on RG500's sold in Canada:
870 RG500G's were sold by Suzuki Canada
The first VIN was 0G2100012, the last was 9G2100882
There were 99 Walter Wolf models imported and sold
The first VIN was 0G2100883 and the last one was 2G2100982
Here are the country/model codes:
00 Japan ("Home" or "domestic" market)
02 United Kingdom
03 United States
04 France
17 Zweden
18 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Germany
24 Australia and New Zealand
25 The Netherlands
28 Canada
33 California
34 Italy
37 Brazil
39 Austria
53 Spain
For a complete list of Suzuki country codes see
VIN codes on all motor vehicles sold in North America may be deciphered as follows using this RG500 VIN code as an example: JS1HM31A2G2100951:
JS1HM31A2G2100951 = JS1 HM31A 2 G 2 100951
JS1 : Japan Suzuki
HM31A: vehicle type
2: check digit
G: model year F=85,G=86,H=87,J=88
2: plant code
100951: ID number
Earlier numbers, like 001 through 005 or so are usually destroyed, as they are "Production Prototypes"